This week we caught up with Go Yoga teacher Martin Jameson aka #theharrogateyogi.
Read on to find out about Martin’s transition into yoga, the highlights of his journey so far, and what the practice means to him now.
Martin, have you been teaching yoga for long?
I have been practicing yoga for about 18 years now. I took the British Wheel of Yoga 4-year teaching diploma. It was very intense but very good.
Why did you decide to become a yoga teacher?
I practised and taught karate for 30 years and made the transition from the path of the martial warrior to that of the peaceful warrior. I was hooked after my first lesson and decided to become a teacher to share yoga with as many people as possible.
What does yoga mean to you?
Asana pranayama meditation. Without any one of these three, it’s not yoga!
One translation of yoga means ‘yoke’ - to join the mind, the body and spirit.
Can you sum up your teaching style in 3 words?
Exciting. Fun. Different
How do you want your students to feel after a lesson?
ALIVE !! And how great life is at that moment.
Do you have a favourite yoga pose?
Warrior (Virabhadrasana). It’s a very strong pose. It reminds me that the back hand is in the past, the front hand is in the future and you are in the present.
What does an average day look like for you?
I am a confectioner, working for Bettys at the craft bakery in Harrogate, so I am up early for work.
I teach yoga twice a week (sometimes four times) and have to get my home practice in as well, so it’s pretty busy!
Oh, and time with the family too, lol! They are in Manchester, so it’s quite full on.
What has been your defining yoga moment so far?
When I met my Swami and spiritual teacher, Swami Dharmananda Saraswati Maharaj.
And, then later when I received my spiritual name and blessing (diksha) from her. Mine is Jayti Prakash (light of the flame). It was a very personal and moving ceremony for me.
What would be your advice to people who have never tried yoga before?
Just give it a go and don’t give up after the first class.
If you didn’t like the class, try another - there are lots of different teachers and styles, so there will be one to suit you.
I think the hardest thing is to just make that first step through the door. Once you do, you will discover the wonders and joy of nature.
What times do you teach at Go Yoga Harrogate?
Tuesday night 8.30pm: Yoga
Thursday night 8.30pm: Beginners and improvers
Saturday (fortnightly) 5.00pm: Yoga
Saturday (fortnightly) 6.00pm: Meditation
Plus, monthly workshops of yin yoga and also candlelit yoga (meditation)
Namaste, MJ