When he's not making fondant fancies and creating amazing chocolates for Betty's Martin is down with us at the Hiive, teaching what he loves yoga.... we got Martin in for a little chat...
What’s your favourite pose?
My favourite pose is warrior 2 (Virabhadasana II)
What do you spend most of your days doing at the moment?
Working, painting, reading, and doing yoga.
What’s your favourite season?
My favourite season is summer, feeling the sun on my skin and getting out in nature.
Which book are you reading now?
I'm reading 2 books at the moment
The Killing Moon by Jo Nesbo ( big fan ) and also The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, by Robin Sharma.
How has yoga helped you?
Yoga has helped me find myself and my path.
What’s your favourite magical moment?
For me, everyday is a magical moment, just being alive for one more day and trying not to waste the amazing gift of life we have been given x
You can find Martin in studio on Mondays at 7pm (Go Hatha) and (Go Yin) 8.15pm and he also has a few slots open for private sessions.
