This week we caught up with Mandy to find out about her yoga journey so far, and to ask for her advice to give to those who are new to yoga...
How long have you been practising yoga for?
I started 21 years ago.
Why did you decide to become a yoga teacher?
I was teaching dance, drama and singing, and I loved going to yoga. So, to be honest, I hadn’t really thought about it until Sophie suggested that I do the teacher training. The rest, as they say, is history!
What does yoga mean to you?
Yoga inspires me to become a better person and gives me whatever I need. If I am feeling distracted, then yoga lifts my spirits. If I am feeling frazzled, then yoga calms my mind. If I am exhausted, then yoga energises me.
Can you sum up your teaching style in 3 words?
Fun. Supportive. Encouraging.
How do you want your students to feel after a lesson?
I hope they feel happy, positive and like anything is possible.
Do you have a favourite yoga pose?
Tree Pose. It calms and balances the mind and body. In life it helps us to stand tall as we face life and all its challenges, with confidence and ease.
What does your average day look like?
Busy! I work in a school most days and still have 3 children living at home.
What has been your defining yoga moment so far?
Yoga helped me through the grief when my husband died very suddenly 11 years ago. It gave me the strength to support our 3 children through it.
What would be your advice to people who have never tried yoga before?
Come and join us on the mat. Yoga clothes are so comfortable and it’s good for the heart, mind and body!
What times do you teach at Go Yoga Harrogate?
Monday evening beginners 6.15pm & Hot Vinyasa 7.30pm.
Thursday calm yoga 5.15pm and Saturday morning Hot Vinyasa at 9.00am
Look out for the arm balance workshop in February too!!