We are all very excited to get back to the studio from May 19th!
We've managed really well at home and are so grateful for all your support, but it will be great to finally back to seeing you all in person. We’ve put together this guide so that you are armed with all the information you need to come back and practice yoga with us.
There are a few new and exciting things to announce as well as some not-so-exciting, but necessary, safety information too. Here we go…

Yoga & therapy at Commercial Street
During the latest lockdown, we have been busy transforming our Go Revolution studio on Commercial Street into a new Go Yoga hive. We are excited to welcome you all to see it for yourself very soon.
We’ve had beautiful new flooring laid in the main studio, where we will be hosting regular yoga classes as part of our schedule. We have also transformed the top studio into a therapy room, where we will be offering massage, bioresonance therapy and life coaching among other things. Get in touch via email if you are interested in finding out more about any of our therapies.
The new address is:
40 Commercial St,
Harrogate, HG1 1TZ
Our Go Yoga crew
You will be excited to know that our Go Yoga crew is back and stronger than ever as we begin to reopen our studio. Martin will be returning to the studio Thursdays at 8.30pm for Go Yin having fully recovered, as well as Pax on a Monday night at 7.40pm, who has also recently taken some time off to heal.
Sophie will be hosting a new Nia 2gether routine on a Thursday evening at 7.15pm and Liz will be re-charging you all midweek on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
Caroline will be hosting a new Tuesday Go Diva lunchtime class at Commercial street and Meryem will be hosting her early morning classes to get you all prepped for the day ahead – some at Commercial Street and some at Hornbeam Park.
New to the schedule, we have Sam, Sarah and Marie – who each have their own regular slots too – so excited to welcome these ladies to teach in the studio for the first time!
Class sizes
From May 19th, we are limited to 5 students in each class until we get a further update from the government. We are hoping that from June the classes will increase as restrictions ease even further.
As classes are really small, we are asking more than ever that if you have to cancel for any reason that you give plenty of notice (ideally 48 hours) so that someone else can take your place.
50% off for unlimited subscriptions in May
To celebrate going back to the studio, we are offering you 50% off your Warrior unlimited monthly subscription for May 19th – June 19th. For just £30 a month you can enjoy unlimited yoga in either of our studios or online (usually £60 per month).
There are only a limited number of these 50% subscriptions available, so sign up quickly. Just quote 2021FUN when registering for your pass online.
From then on, our prices will be as follows:
£12 for a drop-in class – at either studio and online
£60 for unlimited yoga – at either studio and online
£100 for a 10-class pass – at either studio and online
Private lessons
Keen to get a 1-2-1 with your favourite teacher? You can book a private class via Go Yoga for £65 an hour at either of our Harrogate venues.
Get in touch for more info and availability.
All set for your safety
The safety of our clients and teachers is our number one priority. That’s why we are keeping our studio classes small and well-regulated. But don’t worry, you will still feel completely relaxed and comfortable at all times.
Your mats will be spaced out according to the latest guidelines, with marks on the floor to guide you. You will also be asked to take a quick temperature check to ensure you are within the recommended levels. We are keeping the studio nice and airy with windows open when possible, and we are not using any heaters at the moment. None of our teachers will be making adjustments and will remain on their mats throughout the class.
After class is finished, we will perform a full clean and cleanse of all floorspace, surfaces and handles before the next class begins.
See you soon xx