Many of us report feeling stuck since the pandemic.
In a recent survey, those who stuck to the Covid rules most strictly are more likely to have poor mental health.
5 ways to get over the pandemic
Did you follow the rules?
"The enduringly poor mental health being experienced by people who adhered to the rules is “deeply disturbing”, says Dr Marley Willegers, from the Centre for Mental Healththinktank.
The researchers based their findings on a study of how compliant with the rules 1,729 people in Wales were during the first UK-wide lockdown in March to September 2020 and measures of stress, anxiety and depression found among them during February to May 2023.
“Throughout the pandemic messaging campaigns were designed to ensure people continued to follow the rules. But there was no messaging campaign as we came out of the pandemic to help everyone safely transition back to normality.
“Without this, certain personality types have retained infection prevention behaviour and anxiety that undermines their mental wellbeing,” says Willegers.
Many individuals followed the messaging to the letter and it does seem extremely unfair that those very thoughtful and kind individuals are suffering more at present.
According to the Guardian, Mark Winstanley, the chief executive of the charity Rethink Mental Illness, said:
“The early days of the pandemic were characterised by significant disruption, uncertainty and a lack of control, factors which can all fuel anxiety and low mood.
It’s important to recognise that those who took the greatest steps to protect themselves and others have seen an enduring impact on their mental health.
While many want to move on from the pandemic and life under lockdown, its legacy lives with many people to this day, as worries or concerns about our loved ones or the risks to our own health can’t be easily shaken off.”
Future government health advertising campaigns designed to change people’s behaviour should factor in the different personality types in the population, Willegers added.
“Campaigns need to highlight the personal costs and benefits involved, not just people’s responsibility to others,” he said.
So where do we go from here?
The British Academy was asked to file a report by the government on the effects of the pandemic.
'This report draws together evidence across a wide range of areas on the societal impact of the pandemic. It shows that COVID-19 has generated a series of social, economic and cultural effects which will have long-term impacts, but it also highlighted
areas of strength, resilience, creativity and innovation. We hope this rich evidence base will prove a useful resource for policymakers, civil society, media and others who are trying to make sense of the changing landscape.'
How do we change our landscape?
We can of course suggest yoga as a helping hand to change the landscape, but the advent of Wild-Swimming, Walking Outdoors, the preponderance of dogs, the growing are all great indicators to our very resilience.
Soulaima Gourami, of Forbes Magazine, reported a change in thinking around the worker 'expiration date' even a total erasure.
As a forty-something entrepreneur, I've witnessed a collective damaging mindset among older workers, especially people in their thirties, forties, fifties, and older. Most people you meet believe their dreams and ambitions have an expiration date like they're a carton of milk that's perishable. Too many people have imposed a self-determined expiration date on their careers, believing they're too old to start something new.
The truth is you're never too old to start over or go after a new, exciting pursuit.
Opportunity is always on our doorsteps, but the truth is that we settle. We settle for familiar routines. We let fear stop us from trying something new because of our ages, our lack of experience, or the most common fear, failure.
Most people spend 50 or more years of their lives working. Do you want to spend those years miserable in an unfulfilling career? Why not choose to do something that you look forward to every day?
What can we do?
So we love our studio and all you lovely yogis and teacher trainees who enter into it, we guess you have found your resilience with yoga and all your other wonderful pursuits, but being aware of those who are suffering is no bad thing, perhaps we can sprinkle our own fairy dust on this post-pandemic renaissance?
Here are 5 ways to get over the pandemic
Learn something new It's time to write that list of things you haven't done and start crossing them off.
Feel the fear and do it anyway Fear (except in dangerous circumstances) is the sign to try. Listen to your body and your intentions and then step over that fear line.
Notice a post-traumatised Pandemicite. If you start to realise you have been traumatised then it goes to say that others have too. Time to notice and help realign those around you.
Daily Checking - Start a journal, and check in daily with yourself. Answer these three questions.... How do I feel? What do I appreciate about my life? (at least two things) What's the one thing I can do today to move towards my goals?
Erase the idea you are too old to start something new. Time to forgive yourself.
Remember there is no worker expiration date and you have your whole lives to find something fulfilling. Follow your joy and the joy will follow you.
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